• › Prefecture
Tilos Island
Area (sq.km): 61
Population(1991): 279
Population(2001): 535
Population Density(1991): 5
Population Density(2001): 9
Change% 2001/1991: 47,9
Length of Coast (km): 63
Traditional Settlements: Mikro Horio (Megalo Horio)
Airports: No
Domestic Port Authorities
City: Drossopigi
Island: Tilos
Harbour: Tilos
Category: Port Authority Station
Tel: 22410 44350
VHF Channels: 12
Name: Xarkadio
Location: Megalo Horio
Island: Tilos
Description: Charkadio Cave. Excavations conducted by paleontologists Nikolaos Simeonidis and Georgios Theodoros brought to light in 1971 Neolithic tools and bones of dwarf elephants and of a deer, datable to 8000-7000 BC. The area is covered with volcanic lava. The unearthed findings are displayed at the Palaeontological Museum (Athens University Campus).