• › Prefecture
Patmos Island
Area (sq.km): 34
Population(1991): 2.663
Population(2001): 2.993
Population Density(1991): 78
Population Density(2001): 88
Change% 2001/1991: 11,0
Length of Coast (km): 63
Traditional Settlements: Patmos
Airports: No
Camping Sites
Stefanos, Meli Dodekanissa Patmos, Tel: 22470 31831
Domestic Port Authorities
City: Patmos
Island: Patmos
Category: Deputy Port Authority
Tel: 22470 31231
VHF Channels: 12
Name: Apokalipsi
Location: Patmos
Island: Patmos
Description: The Holy Cave Of The Apocalypse (Tel. 312 34) is located midway between Chora and Skala. Tradition holds that in this cave St John --exiled to the island of Patmos by the Roman emperor Domitian in AD 95-- dictated the Apocalypse (Revelation) to his disciple. In front of the cave's mouth, and climbing down a few stairs, the visitor can see the church of Agia Anna. The latter, which underwent renovation in the 17th century, is presently surrounded by a monastic complex (Monastery of Apocalypse), with flower-filled gardens, cells and chapels. Rock-cut steps lead to the entrance.